Committee posts
- Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Volunteer Co-ordinator
- Kit Manager
- Social Secretary
- Men’s XC Manager
- Women’s XC Manager
- Communications Manager
General Committee responsibilites
In addition to their specific role, all committee members attend committee meetings, participate in committee decision making, cooperate with other committee members, and contribute to general management tasks as agreed by committee.
Committee members should undergo a DBS check.
This may be applied for after election to the committee, and will be free since it is required for a voluntary role.
The Chairperson has a strategic role to play in representing the vision and purpose of the Club. The Chairperson ensures that the committee functions properly, that there is full participation at meetings, all relevant matters are discussed and that effective decisions are made and carried out.
Ensure the committee functions properly
- To plan and run meetings
- To ensure matters are dealt with in an orderly and efficient manner
- To bring clarity and purpose to meetings and decision-making.
Ensure the Club is effectively run
- To co-ordinate the committee members to ensure responsibilities are met.
Represent the Club
- To communicate effectively the vision and purpose of the Club
- To advocate for and represent the Club at external meetings
- To be aware of current issues that might affect the Club.
Chairing Meetings
Before the meeting
Plan the agenda with members of the committee include items brought to you by other members; decide the order and timing of the agenda and who will introduce each one. Identify which agenda items are for information, discussions or a decision.
Be well briefed about each item, and actions taken since the last meeting.
During the meeting
- Start the meeting; welcome any new members; make any necessary introductions
- Receive apologies for absence
- Ensure that additions and amendments to minutes are recorded
- State the objectives of the meeting and each item
- Try to be brief when making a point.
- Maintain control; set any time limits
- Keep to the agenda
- Ensure time is used effectively
- Ensure that proper minutes are taken.
- Weigh up contributions
- Ensure everyone understands what is being discussed
- Summarise
- Ensure that decisions are recorded, together with who is going to implement them.
- Steer members to work harmoniously and purposefully as a team
- Keep an eye on time.
At the end of the meeting
- Summarise decisions taken and action points to be followed up e.g. who is responsible by when
- Agree a date for the next meeting
- Agree what special items will be put on the agenda of the next meeting and what work needs to be done, by whom etc
- Ensure that the minutes are written up, checked by the Chair and sent out in good time.
The club secretary role is one of the 3 mandatory posts that any England Athletics (EA) affiliated club must hold (the others being the Chairperson and the Treasurer).
The club secretary will work closely with the Chair and Treasurer to ensure that all club members are registered and paid in accordance with EA timelines.
The role includes the following activities:
- Inputting all new members personal details into the EA online portal and arranging for membership fees to be paid to EA
- Providing confirmation to all members that their EA membership has been processed by notifying by e-mail to all members details of their EA membership number
- Dealing with any queries that arise from registering members (people still registered with EA to another club etc)
- Approving all club transfers from the club to another EA affiliated club
- Scheduling all club committee meetings including producing an agenda and taking any minutes
- Managing the London Marathon (VLM) process including registering any ballot winners
Any other ad hoc queries, e.g. advising people who have forgotten their EA number.
Club Treasurer
The club treasurer is responsible for all of the financial elements of the club and is one of the 3 mandatory posts that any England Athletics (EA) affiliated club must hold (along with the Chairperson and Secretary).
The club treasurer will manage and maintain the club financial records and bank account and make all payments on behalf of the club to EA, suppliers of club kit, merchandise, training providers and also reimbursing individuals for spend on behalf of the club.
As part of the committee, the club treasurer is also part of the decision making processes and the running of the club.
Volunteer Co-ordinator
Responsible for the compilation of volunteers’ rotas to ensure the health & safety of members is maintained and that the volunteers are aware of their responsibilities in maintaining H&S alongside the reputation of the club.
Maintain the KHRC Volunteers facebook group.
Compile list of volunteers and ensure all are on the group page and aware of cover request process
Identify which sessions volunteers are willing to cover:
Tuesday, Saturday, Distance (4mile), beginners
Compile rotas for Tuesday runs and Saturday morning runs.
Tuesday – Beginners and distance only.
Saturday mid-October to mid-June beginners and distance – rota distance and beginners
Saturday mid-June – mid-October half marathon training plan – rota distance and beginners
Monitor cover requests and ensure that all sessions are covered.
Post weekly relating to group runs, either directly or through liaisons with club Captain.
Monitor volunteers’ suitability to support runners and maintain a diplomatic approach to cover requests etc.
Kit Manager
The Kit Manager is responsible for managing purchase and distribution of official club kit along with other club merchandise. As a committee post holder, the Kit Manager will attend committee meetings, participate in committee decision making, cooperate with other committee members, and contribute to general management tasks as agreed by committee.
Key Roles and Responsibilities
- Receiving orders for kit via the club website for club merchandise
- Managing distribution of merchandise orders
- Handling kit queries from members and prospective members via Facebook/E-mail
- Managing the design and ordering of new merchandise to add to the club range and one-off purchases
- Working with supplier for the purchase of club merchandise
- Managing cash received for orders not made via the website and paying into the club account. Ensuring records are kept for accounting purposes.
- Storage of merchandise to allow for distribution
- Ensuring that official club kit is distributed to official members only
Social Secretary
The Social Secretary is responsible for organising and promoting social events for KHRC. As a committee post holder, the Social Secretary will attend committee meetings, participate in committee decision making, cooperate with other committee members, and contribute to general management tasks as agreed by committee.
Key Roles and Responsibilities
- Communicating with venues/ suppliers, making enquiries, obtaining quotes, making reservations.
- Engaging with club members to discuss potential ideas for future social events
- Promoting future events through Facebook post and within club run briefings
- Handling social event queries from members and prospective members via Facebook
- Collecting payments/ pre orders from KHRC members/ prospective members and delivering payments to venues/ suppliers
Women’s XC Manager
The Women’s Cross Country Manager ensures that the annual MCAA XC league affiliation fee is paid when required, confirms a squad of eligible women, and enters our squad into the league. They are then responsible for getting a team of at least three women to each of the four league races (Nov Dec Jan Feb), scoring the team, and reporting the team score on the day.
Additionally, they will liaise with the Men’s XC Manager in the entry of non-league Cross Country and Road Relay Competitions.
A suggested division of responsibilities is that the women’s manager enters teams for
- National XC Championships
- Midland XC Championships
- Midland XC Relays
And the men’s Manager enters teams for
- Midland 6 and 4 stage Road Relays
- Midland 12 and 6 stage Road Relays
- County Championships
These may be varied at the discretion of the Men’s and Women’s Managers.
The XC Manager can run as a member of the team, but does not need to. The Women’s XC Manager can be male or female. He/she should be at most of the team’s races. For any race they cannot attend they need to ensure someone else takes on management responsibilities (e.g. team scoring) for the day.
He/she will ensure appropriate kit and equipment is available to the team (shelter, food and drink, race numbers, etc).
The XC Manager can optionally be involved in organising training, and/or leading training sessions, both in and out of the winter XC season.
Men’s XC Manager
The Men’s Cross Country Manager ensures that the annual Birmingham and District XC league affiliation fee is paid when required, and enters our squad into the league. They are then responsible for getting a team of at least six men women to each of the four league races (Nov Dec Jan Feb), scoring the team, and reporting the team score on the day.
Additionally, they will liaise with the Men’s XC Manager in the entry of non-league Cross Country and Road Relay Competitions.
A suggested division of responsibilities is that the women’s manager enters teams for
- National XC Championships
- Midland XC Championships
- Midland XC Relays
And the men’s Manager enters teams for
- Midland 6 and 4 stage Relays
- Midland 12 and 6 stage Relays
- County Championships
These may be varied at the discretion of the Men’s and Women’s Managers.
The XC Manager can run as a member of the team, but does not need to. The Men’s XC Manager can be male or female. He/she should be at most of the team’s races. For any race they cannot attend they need to ensure someone else takes on management responsibilities (e.g. team scoring) for the day.
He/she will ensure appropriate kit and equipment is available to the team (shelter, food and drink, race numbers, etc).
The XC Manager can optionally be involved in organising training, and/or leading training sessions, both in and out of the winter XC season.
Communications Manager
The Communications manager would be responsible for managing our communications with club members and the wider community. They would ensure that our online information was up-to-date, adequate, met club requirements, and presented a consistent picture of club and its activities across the platforms we use. They would also ensure that queries and messages sent to club were dealt with speedily and appropriately.
Specifically, they would
- Ensure that our website was usable and accurate, and manage the development of the website where appropriate
- Supervise our facebook page and community group, ensuring announcements were posted consistently and appropriately, and that all posts were consistent with our policies
- Ensure our twitter account was maintained and that direct messages to the twitter account were responded to in an promptly and appropriately
- Ensure that emails received were responded to promptly and appropriately
- Ensure that facebook messages received were responded to promptly and appropriately
- Manage the development of any future online platforms that the committee agreed to utilise
The communications manager need not the carry out day-to-day work on any of these activities. They may delegate day-to-day admin to either committee or non-committee members. The communications manager would be expected to carry out some day-to-day admin on one of more of our platforms, and monitor and co-ordinate communications on all of our platforms, intervening to ensure and improve quality, efficiency and adherence to policy where necessary.
Currently, communication functions are shared as follows –
- Twitter admin – Lee Gregory (non-committee)
- Facebook Messages – Mike, Nicki, Scott and Barbara (Committee)
- Email –Mike
- Facebook admin (group membership approval, system settings) – Mike and Nicki
- Facebook announcement posting – mainly Barbara and Nicki
- Website content Management (updating info pages, News posts and Calendar, developing content and design where necessary, and laising with web host) – Mike
- Website hosting and systems maintenance – Ben Goodman (hosting contract with pncake)